Coming out of Lockdown Waste-Free

There has been a ton of waste generated from the Covid19 crisis unfortunately. This is of course unavoidable as much of it is medically necessary and safety always comes first, but this doesn’t mean we need to continue this post-quarantine. So today we’re looking at tips for making sure this single-use blip is a temporary setback and not a permanent change.

Focus on the Reusables you can use

For right now those of us still in quarantine or quarantine-like situations may be feeling pretty bad at seeing plastic bag bans getting delayed or seeing garbage cans overflowing with plastic gloves and single use masks. But there are still plenty of reusable changes we can make or keep up with. You can still get loose-leaf tea over plastic containing store bought teabags, you can still use washable masks instead of single-use masks in plenty of scenarios, you can still use washable cheesecloth instead of cling wrap, you can still buy in bulk (or at least in larger bags) and store leftovers in mason jars. Not everything can be still used in a pandemic of course but that just means the options that can be done are that much more impactful.

Keep your slower lifestyle

As we all slowly start coming out of quarantine we need to remember what a slowed down life has been like. While quarantine has certainly been stressful it has also involved a lot of time resting, a major shift in pace, self-care time, and of course time spent not impulse shopping. We’ve also of course seen the impact of this with stories of clearer air and happy animals around the world. We’ve been given a chance to see the impact and the value of collectively slowing down, and we need to make sure that we don’t lose this in our rush to get back to “normal.” That normal was killing us and the planet, and we don’t need it.

Stay up-to-date on the issues.

You may have heard the rumor that plastic bags may be carriers of e-coli that’s been going on for a while. But did you know that the study this is based off of is underwritten “independently” by a lobbying arm of the fossil fuel and plastics industry? Point is that there is a lot of misinformation spreading rapidly and a lot of powerful lobbying interests who are keen to keep it that way. This is why staying informed about the problems with the single-use plastic lifestyle and being vigilant against misinformation, no matter the source, is so important. Being in quarantine is the perfect time for research, and that research will help make sure we all come out of lockdown with better habits instead of backsliding on single-use plastic.

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