Sustainably Chic July: Surf, Sand, and Sustainability

Welcome to our series Sustainably Chic. Each month we internet-window shop for two new outfits all chosen from sustainable, ethical, and environmental brands. At Rust and Fray, we believe that living sustainably is a lifestyle choice, and we’d like to help you find an outfit that not only matches your bag but lets you be environmentally conscious from head to toe. We’re here to show you how good sustainability can look and how easy it can be to find.

When people think of sustainable clothing, they rarely think about bathing suits. But your beachwear can be just as sustainable as your streetwear! For July, we’ll be putting together an outfit for the surf days.

The Bag: Ardent Black Leather Duffel

The Ardent is one of the sturdiest travel bags out there. Perfect for carrying all your vacationing needs for years and years of back-of-the-car abuse and still turn heads. Now let's look at some swimwear that’s also turn heads

Outfit 1

Shapes in the Sand - Coral Garden Square One Piece 

Conner Hats -  Byron Bay Floppy Sun Summer Hat 

Indosole - Socially Conscious Women's Double Six Sandals 


Looking for that perfect vintage 1 piece swimsuit that’s all the rage these days? Why not get one made from recycled ghost fish netting? Save ocean life from discarded fishing equipment as you strut your stuff. Add in an organic raffia straw floppy hat and sandals upcycled from tire soles and you’ve got your look.

Bag 2: Serenity KL Black Leather Yoga Bag

Need something that’s more suited for a day trip than a weekend getaway? Pack up the Serenity KL Black Leather Yoga Backpack instead. Sleek and modern, it’s just as perfect for the quick trip to the shore as it is to your weekly mindful movement classes.

Outfit 2


Conner Hats - Arizona Ladies Sun Hat

Manakai -  Pikake Top

Manakai - Lotus Bottoms

Adidas - Eezay Parley Slide Sandal 

If you just can’t give up being a bikini babe, you won’t have to give up saving the oceans from ghost fishing nylon. Manakai Swimwear is one of Hawaii’s most well know sustainable swimwear brands, and with the flirty features like hip hugging ribbons and the razor back top, it’s easy to see why. Add in another raffia straw hat and sandals made from cork and recycled ocean waste, and your ready for fun in the sun.

Companies in these outfits:

Manakai Swimwear - Hawaiian ethical and sustainable swimwear company known for recycled sourcing and local production.

Conner Hats - US/Australian hat company with sustainably grown materials and who ensure their factories include eco-friendly initiatives like banning single use plastic and carbon footprint offsetting.

Shapes in the Sand -  Australian swimwear company with ECONYL fabric whose designs inspired by the environment it is working towards saving.

Adidas - Normally we focus on the small brand, as they tend to be slow fashion by default and it’s easier to make sustainable, but occasionally it’s cool to point out a sustainable product from a bigger corporation, especially when it is this cute.

Indosole -  Flip flops and other shoes whose soles are made from Upcycled tires, one of our favorite brands.

Thanks for checking out our outfit today, be sure to share it around. If you decide to rock this look or something similar to it, let us know by snapping that selfie and tagging our Instagram or our Facebook. If you’ve got a particular look you want us to work with next time or a particular sustainable brand you think we should check out for future outfits, comment below. We’d love to hear from you!

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