2019 is shaping up to be the year for sustainable sneakers. There’s something of an arms race going on between brands, big and small, to develop the world’s most sustainable sneaker, and we’re behind this all the way. Take a look at these four brands pushing the boundaries of how sustainable a sneaker can be.
If you have a day where you’re going to break out the sewing needles and patch up everything you own, you’re going to keep pushing that day farther and farther back. But if it becomes your Sunday morning or Thursday night ritual to repair one piece, you’ll find you run out of close to repair rather quickly
Her sustainable designs helped lay the groundwork for the current slow fashion movement now growing among the millennials, being one of the first to prove just how stylish going green can be.
Of course that French type of wardrobe curating is one of the key ideas of the slow fashion world too. Fast fashion wants you to buy cheap things you’ll wear once, training you to treat shopping for clothes like a sugar rush.
Ultimately the KonMari method is not about getting rid of stuff, but about understanding, developing, and building your connection to your home and the things in it. You get out of the habit of compulsive collection that’s been taught by fast-paced consumerist lifestyle and learn to really live
Scanning your body from the head to the feat, try and let go of any tension you feel. Imagine there’s a light or a liquid seeping down the body, and any part of the body it touches relaxes.
If you’re reading this you most likely are interested in zero waste movements, or at least are looking for ways to be less wasteful. With growing frustration and urgency around climate change, you're not alone. So let’s look at the biggest ways to reduce waste, based on what the biggest sources of household waste are.
It’s not fun to think about, but it’s important to give yourself reminders why it’s so necessary to reduce waste. It’s also important to spread awareness of the issues surrounding our current waste crisis. So here are some lesser know horrific effects of waste on the ocean.
Clothing before the rise of fast-fashion is repairable, sturdier, and will last you longer than the fast fashion shopping gear. Also, rescuing clothing and material from the landfill is always more eco-conscious than buying new. So here are some tips for rocking your old-school fashion finds.
Sometimes fashion brands seem to be geared towards women, and men can feel a little left out. In the spirit of helping to balance out the eco-fashion blogosphere, we’d like to give a quick shout out to some great men’s eco and ethical fashion companies.
Summer is here and so it’s time to get tanning, hit the waves, or if you’re me it’s time to read while getting a sunburn. But however you enjoy the beach, know that there are ways to take your much needed weekend retreat while doing good for the environment. Here are 6 quick tips to get you started.
Summer is here in full, so we at Rust and Fray think it’s time to dive on in to this season’s wardrobe (because there are four seasons, not 52). We’re here to provide tips on how to rock your summer hats, and how to do it sustainably.