Instead she writes about the effects each sustainable choice has, weighs the upsides and downsides, and gives the reader the space to determine what is right for them. One person being perfectly sustainable is not nearly as impactful as millions of people being imperfectly conscious
But one thing Madonna never seems to get credit for is the ability to truly be herself, and how much courage it takes for a woman to be authentic in a world that tries to tell them what to do and what to be at every turn.
Her sustainable designs helped lay the groundwork for the current slow fashion movement now growing among the millennials, being one of the first to prove just how stylish going green can be.
While some materials such as aluminum can be melted down and recycled near indefinitely, most materials lose quality when they are recycled. Plastic food containers cannot be remade into new food containers. That plastic has to become a cheaper product such as building insulation, while new virgin plastic has to be made to make more plastic food containers. This loss of value is why traditional recycling can be more accurately described as downcycling.
Of course that French type of wardrobe curating is one of the key ideas of the slow fashion world too. Fast fashion wants you to buy cheap things you’ll wear once, training you to treat shopping for clothes like a sugar rush.
"When people think about manufacturing issues surrounding chocolate, they usually think about the unfair and exploitative labor practices associated with the industry. While that is reason enough to buy a better brand of chocolate, remember that fair labor issues almost always go hand in hand with environmental activism."
Ultimately the KonMari method is not about getting rid of stuff, but about understanding, developing, and building your connection to your home and the things in it. You get out of the habit of compulsive collection that’s been taught by fast-paced consumerist lifestyle and learn to really live
Fast fashion is mass produced ready-to-wear products that bring on a sameness, like with all mass production. These brands then keep the clothing interesting by putting out so many lines that you're constantly looking for new, which is a main reason why we have so much waste.
The worry is that because China accepted so much waste, there is no way the US can make up for the loss of it as a buyer, and plastic waste is building up at docks and in municipalities
Happy New Years! We hope you’ve been enjoying your first few days of 2019. To help start of the new year on a positive note, here is a list of some of the coolest environmental news of 2018.
Happy Holidays everyone! Tis the season for gift giving, but sadly it is also the season for hard-to-recycle wrapping paper to fill up the landfills. So we at Rust and Fray have compiled a quick list of zero-waste and low-waste wrapping ideas that’ll be a perfect way to package any gift this season. Enjoy!