Scanning your body from the head to the feat, try and let go of any tension you feel. Imagine there’s a light or a liquid seeping down the body, and any part of the body it touches relaxes.
Right now the US is going through amassive spikein anxiety, and the World Health Organization estimates 1 in 13 people worldwide has some sort of anxiety disorder. While not everyone is at the level that needs medical intervention (like I do), it’s clear that everyone does need to make sure they’re working on self-care practices in this increasingly anxious world
America is leading the world in food waste.According to the Guardian, Americans throw out half of all their produce, which amounts to about one third of all their total food. There areof course problems on the entire distribution chain and not just with the consumers, but consumer choices are definitely one aspect.
If you’re reading this you most likely are interested in zero waste movements, or at least are looking for ways to be less wasteful. With growing frustration and urgency around climate change, you're not alone. So let’s look at the biggest ways to reduce waste, based on what the biggest sources of household waste are.
Those with the biggest stages have a responsibility to use their influence for good, and no one has a larger stage than actors. Here is a list of seven actors that have decided to use their voice to be a voice for the planet.
It’s not fun to think about, but it’s important to give yourself reminders why it’s so necessary to reduce waste. It’s also important to spread awareness of the issues surrounding our current waste crisis. So here are some lesser know horrific effects of waste on the ocean.
It’s not comforting to look at the world you live in and go “this isn’t working.” But that doesn’t mean that everything is hopeless. Hopelessness is the belief that nothing is going to change, and change comes from understanding what’s wrong well enough to break it down, so lets look at the problem head on in all of it’s uncomfortable implications.
Yesterday we featured our friend Chef Kim Mills, aka Laughter Travel Gourmet, as part of our Talented Tuesday series. As promised, today’s article is the recipe for the absolutely delicious lunch she made for us. Enjoy!
Clothing before the rise of fast-fashion is repairable, sturdier, and will last you longer than the fast fashion shopping gear. Also, rescuing clothing and material from the landfill is always more eco-conscious than buying new. So here are some tips for rocking your old-school fashion finds.
Music has long been known for advocating for change, and one thing we all know is true is that we need change right now to avert or at least lesson the impact of Global Warming. So here are five musicians who’ve put going green front and center.
So we all know that we need to shop fair trade to insure fair pair and safe working conditions. But did you know that there are other benefits to shopping fair trade? Here are five more reasons that shopping fair trade is important.
You’ve done all the things you can to make your workplace more environmentally friendly, but we at Rust and Fray believe that sustainability needs to be both a personal and a corporate responsibility. So what can your workplace do to become more eco friendly?